WSU Ducks Unlimited Banquet

Today on Culture Clique, we talk to the Winona State University Ducks Unlimited Club. The Ducks Unlimited Club is holding a banquet this Saturday at the American Legion in Winona. For ticket information visit or go to the Winona State University Ducks Unlimited Club Facebook page. I’m Bill Stoneberg with Jacob Lewandowski and Carson Lovedale on Culture Clique. Original air date: 02/27/20. Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Today on Culture Clique, we talk to the Winona State University Ducks Unlimited Club. The Ducks Unlimited Club is holding a banquet this Saturday at the American Legion in Winona. For ticket information visit or go to the Winona State University Ducks Unlimited Club Facebook page. I’m Bill Stoneberg with Jacob Lewandowski and Carson Lovedale on Culture Clique.
Original air date: 02/27/20.
Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.