Winona Volunteer Services with Sandra Burke
Today on Culture Clique we chat with Sandra Burke, Executive Director of Winona Volunteer Services. Winona Volunteer Services operates a local food shelf, clothes shop, and offers services from home delivered meals to educational programs. And as the name implies, they coordinate volunteer efforts within the organization and beyond. So, whether you or someone you know is in need of help or if you would like to volunteer your time then keep listening. I’m Bill Stoneberg, with WVS Executive Director Sandra Burke on Culture Clique.
Original air date: 12/26/19.
Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Today on Culture Clique we chat with Sandra Burke, Executive Director of Winona Volunteer Services. Winona Volunteer Services operates a local food shelf, clothes shop, and offers services from home delivered meals to educational programs. And as the name implies, they coordinate volunteer efforts within the organization and beyond. So, whether you or someone you know is in need of help or if you would like to volunteer your time then keep listening. I’m Bill Stoneberg, with WVS Executive Director Sandra Burke on Culture Clique.
Original air date: 12/26/19.
Original air date: 12/26/19.
Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.