Nerd Nite Farmers Market Part 2
Today on Culture Clique we return to the No Name bar for another nerdtastic monthly event, Nerd Nite! Nerd Nite is a beer-filled history channel to those who are passionate enough to speak to their hearts content. So, if you enjoy knowledge more than anyone, or perhaps you’re passionate enough about topic to be called “NERD!” then this safe haven of nerdvana is the place to be. So, take a seat, grab a drink with some friends, because it’s Nerd Nite from the No Name bar, today, on Culture Clique.
Original Airdate: 06/22/23
Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL FM on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Original Airdate: 06/22/23
Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL FM on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.