Conservation Corps of Minnesota and Iowa

Today on Culture Clique, we learn about Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa, which is an AmeriCorps agency that provides opportunities for young people to work in conservation and natural resources, disaster response or to lead youth and volunteer groups. Today we hear from Program Director Hollis Emery. Hollis, tells us a little about the history behind Conservation Corps, what they do, and some exciting new opportunities they have to offer. I’m Bill Stoneberg, with Conservation Corps Program Director Hollis Emery, on Culture Clique. Original air date: 12/19/19. Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Today on Culture Clique, we learn about Conservation Corps Minnesota and Iowa, which is an AmeriCorps agency that provides opportunities for young people to work in conservation and natural resources, disaster response or to lead youth and volunteer groups. Today we hear from Program Director Hollis Emery. Hollis, tells us a little about the history behind Conservation Corps, what they do, and some exciting new opportunities they have to offer. I’m Bill Stoneberg, with Conservation Corps Program Director Hollis Emery, on Culture Clique.
Original air date: 12/19/19.
Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.