Boating Safety

Today on Culture Clique we talk boating safety with Troy Leibfried, Water Patrol Supervisor with the Winona County Sheriff’s Department. Original air date: 07/04/19. Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Today is the Fourth of July and this weekend many people will be hanging out with friends and family enjoying the outdoors and the summer weather. And in a river town such as Winona, many people will be hitting the water. Today on Culture Clique we talk boating safety with Troy Leibfried, Water Patrol Supervisor with the Winona County Sheriff’s Department. So if you plan to be out on the Mississippi River or a local lake this weekend, there are a lot of things you should remember for the safety of yourself, your loved ones and everyone else out on the water. I’m Bill Stoneberg, with Winona County Water Patrol Supervisor Troy Leibfried, on Culture Clique.

Original air date: 07/04/19.

Culture Clique is written and produced by KQAL on the campus of Winona State University and is made possible by a grant from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.